Christine Ellis, Acupuncture Physician
Christine Ellis, AP, Dipl. Ac, LMT has provided quality family health care services to the Gainesville community for over three decades. Caring for people of all ages, thru all stages of life. Acquiring over 30 years of clinical experience and continuing education in acupuncture, herbal medicine, bodywork and somatic therapy. She delivers complementary therapeutic treatment modalities to assist you on your quest to better health and wellness.
Christine is a licensed Physician of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine practicing in Gainesville, Florida (AP1367), and is a Board Certified Diplomat in Acupuncture through the National Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, NCCAOM (14419). Christine received her professional degree in Oriental medicine from the Florida School of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, where she studied under Dr. David Bole, AP. and Kathleen Leavy, AP. She is internationally certified by the Toyohari Medical Association of Japan, and a North American member of TANA, Florida branch. Christine is also an alumni of the prestigious Florida School of Massage (MA13236).
In 1992, Christine founded A Centre for Wholistic Wellness, Gainesville, FL. There she practiced acupuncture and massage therapies until 2012. During that time she also maintained a part time acupuncture practice at Deprey Chiropractic, St. Augustine, FL. Currently, Christine's wholistic wellness practice is located in (Midtown) Gainesville, FL.
In 2001, Christine completed a post graduate program in "Toyohari"
a Japanese five-phase system of acupuncture which focuses on treating the root and branch imbalances in the body. This tradition is highly regarded for it's use of specialized painless needle techniques, unique uses of moxibustion, and detail of palpation and pulse diagnosis. Christine has traveled to Tokyo, Japan to experience intensive training with 40 senior practitioners of Toyohari. She continues her studies with prominent teachers throughout the U.S., Europe, and Japan.
Having studied both Japanese and Traditional Chinese styles of acupuncture, Christine has knowledge to ascertain the applicable use of each method.
Her lengthy background in massage therapy includes advanced studies in the field of touch therapy. She incorporates forms of bodywork based upon the fundamental principles of acupuncture and Eastern medicine. Including a focus on stress reduction and pain relief using techniques to allow your body to recognize and release tension and holding patterns with lasting results.
Christine's mission is to provide professional courteous service along with quality workmanship to every client. Her approach is calm, positive and comprehensive.
She is committed to helping people alleviate and prevent illness, and her enthusiasm is for helping others to achieve these outcomes by encouraging everyone she meets to keep reaching until they attain their highest goals in health, happiness, joy and fulfillment.
When not in the office, Christine enjoys the beach, our beautiful local springs, camping, gardening, and the Chinese "internal" martial arts of Tai Chi Chuan and Qi Gong.
"Personal and practical experience reinforce my strong belief in (w)holistic therapies. Not only do they help in times of need, they contribute in maintaining a greater sense of over all well-being. There is tremendous power that lies within each of us. I believe in the innate ability to self heal, and self govern when given the proper information. In accordance, one's awareness increases, consciousness shifts, change occurs and the body heals. One may become more vibrant, happy and at peace— I've seen the medicine I practice improve and profoundly change the lives of people for the better."
— Christine Ellis, Acupuncture Physician